Most accounts will not have all the necessary permissions to complete this task, if you are missing permissions for the final steps then please contact our support team.
If you have made the decision to refund a customer then there a few simple steps.
1. Find out where the customer purchased with, ie. Stripe (Credit Cards), PayPal or Ambassador.
2. Initiate the refund of money with the following:
Stripe: Once you are logged in, head to the payments area and click the transaction you would like to refund. On the next screen, you will find the issue refund button right there.
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PayPal: Once you are logged in, head to the activity area and find the transaction you would like to refund and you will find the issue refund button right there.
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Ambassador: Speak to the Ambassador directly to regarding refunding the money unless they have already given you the money for that ticket, in which case then you would need to collect the customer's payment details and pay it back to them yourself.
3. After you have refunded the customer you then must cancel the ticket. To do this start by using the Triniq admin menu to navigate to Events > Manage Tickets
4. Find the correct ticket(s) that you just cancelled and click the link for its details.
5. Take a screenshot of the ticket screen and save it safely. Ideally, you should also send the screen to our support team as well if you are doing this on your own.
6. Click the delete ticket button and confirm the deletion.
It's essential that you keep good records of any tickets you cancel on your own because after the ticket is deleted, it's deleted permanently.
WARNING: Once you delete a ticket you will delete all data associated with that ticket, this data cannot be recovered. Use carefully at own risk.