Before you continue, we strongly recommend that you prepare some type of written agreement with all ticket sellers and ambassadors that you work with and we also advise that you do not allocate tickets to any ticket seller or outlet unless the agreement has been signed and returned. The agreement should state the payment terms, ticket reconciliation dates (approx), ticket pricing and commission structure plus anything else that both sides feel fair.
The reason you must manually allocate additional tickets to ambassadors is so that you can completely control your ticket sellers and reconciliation correctly. That way giving you can void tickets if any issues occur between you and the ambassador.
Once you have a ticket tier that you can use for your ticket sellers to sell and a user account for them to manage their ambassador tickets, you can then start allocating tickets to Ambassadors.
1. Use the admin menu to navigate to Ambassadors > Allocate Tickets
2. Find the correct ambassador user in the dropdown and the same with the correct ticket tier below it.
3. Finally, decide how many tickets you feel comfortable with allocating the ambassador and then hit save.
You can always add or cancel ambassador tickets at any time, so if you feel like allocating the ambassadors incrementally then that is fine and a method that works well.
Only the ambassador who has their tickets allocated to them can see their own tickets, excluding admins.